Monday, June 13, 2011

Four Laws of Logic

I feel that it is only a responsible thing for me to start this blog with an idea that is all theological, philosophical and simple at the same time. Not only so, but I will also use this blog to take a defensive posture as it relates to the message (or person as it were) of grace. Actually, if I may be totally honest here, this blog is to help me blow off some deeply ingrained steam. Please read carefully and allow the Spirit of God to guide you.

Grounded in Biblical principles we find that there are four laws that have been called the Four Laws of Logic or the Laws of Thought. These laws will help us discover the truth behind the message of Grace and the person of Grace. Lets take a look.

For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. [John 1:17]

The first Law of Logic is called the Law of Identity. In common speech, this law pretty much say's, "it is what it is." In other words, the law of identity would be best described as saying that an article is the article because it is the article. Now, on the subject of that article, John said that Grace and Truth came by Jesus. He did not say that judgment or wrath or fury, but Grace and Truth.

The first Law of Logic says that if it says it then it is the truth. Therefore we can come to the simple conclusion that because the Word of God says it, it must be truth.

Paul states in Ephesians that it by Grace that you have been saved, not of works...

The second Law of Logic is the Law of Non-contradiction. This law states that one thing cannot both be that thing and a different thing at the same time. Therefore, it cannot be both by works and Grace that we have been saved. So, judging by the first law and adding it to this law, because Paul said it and its in the Word of God, it must be true.

But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace. [Romans 11:6]

The third Law of Logic is quite simple. Its called the Law of Excluded Middle. This law says that Pauls words were either true or not true. There cannot be a middle ground. Its interesting that Paul said that grace would not be grace if it were by works. I love this premise as he is saying, "its either law or grace. Which one?"

The Fourth Law of Logic is called the Law of Objective Reason. This law pretty much says that if there is reason to believe it, it must be true. In John 1, the author says that, "in the beginning was the Word..." The greek text reveals a greater truth. The word for word in greek used here is logos. This word means logic. It is only logical to believe in the message of grace because the person of grace is also the person of logic.

Be blessed and have a good day.
